Sweet little girl

Sweet little girl
Take a look into the sea
Look beyond the horizon
Where the unknown lies.

Sweet little girl
Dry your tears from your cheeks
A smile should bless a face
As wonderful as yours.

Sweet little girl
Open your eyes to see
All the beautiful things
That sprinkle your fairytale dream.

Sweet little girl
Take a deep breath
Plunge into the darkness
And emerge victorious.

Sweet little girl
When you grow up
Into that confidant woman
Never forget your jubilant dreams.

Sweet little girl
When you die
Leave a most wondrous legacy
That your descendants can be proud of.

Sweet little girl
As you enter the pearly gates of your heaven
Remember all your little girl dreams
And finally make it into your reality.

Shy glances

Shy glances
And little smiles here and there
With a breathless air
That speak volumes.
From two completely different worlds
Two different species
And two different classes
One a beautiful queen, a human
The other a humble master, a satyr faun.
But on a shaky thread
These two souls tread upon
Walking from one end of the spectrum
To the equator.
Baby steps is a sure way to approach
Nothing pushy
Nothing rushed
But simply at a steady pace.
And finally
Two eyes locked in wonder
And two hands clasped gently
With a final kiss to top the sundae of love.

Ooh, this hungry craving

Ooh, this hungry craving
Deep within the carnal depths of my being
An agony that I cannot wean
Nor satisfy.
Another slice at my soul
The psuedo-blood that pours
Drip drop, drip drop
Painting a picture
That describes my mind.
The simplest of pleasures
Becoming my addiction
My very own heroin that I grow
With out anyone ever knowing.
A sweet taste upon the lips
This precious design that infiltrates
The fibers of my being.
A beautiful and dangerous concoction
That shall manifest within us all.

Inconsiderate brat

Inconsiderate brat
Ungrateful prick
The whole world revolves around you
Everything must be set to your liking.
But tough
The world is
And shit happens.
Act like a baby
Then deal with the consequences that arise;
Dare to insult
Then be prepared for assault
For sharp tongue from you will only bring about a poison
And a loss of something precious.
Stand up and hold your ground
Be a man and accept what is presented before you;
Do not let a foul attitude overcome you
Because it is quite disgusting to witness
And sickens me to the very core of my being.
Every pessimistic word that comes from your mouth
Makes me roll my eyes in disbelief
And wonder how a f0ul mind
Marked the surface of the world.
Never satisfied until the axis the world spins on
Becomes your body, mind, and soul
And quite frankly
An inconceivable and dangerous proposition.
Maybe you truly do not understand your own nature
Or the way you come off of to people
Maybe we are all blinded by our own lack of judgement
You, the world, and I alike
Or perhaps you take upmost pleasure in your pompous attitude
Loving the feeling of holding the higher ground
When you yourself have miscalculated the leap from the mountain.
You think you are fucking God
And hold the answer to every truth;
Instead, the truth does not lie within you
Your only truth is your own opinion
A tyrant of your own soul.
You try and turn yourself into the victim
And push away the one in true agony
Letting your priorities shift
So that your boredom is above another's pain
With no regard or thought for others;
And the best part is
You try to make up for it
And insist that inside you are good
And that your intentions are noble
And that you truly care.
The only thing anyone can smell in this suspicious circumstance
Is utter bullshit;
But do not fret
Because you will get your own like you have for your entire life
Alone and miserable
Lonely and depressed.
You believe the world is against you
But take a closer look into the mirror
Stare into your own eyes
And realize the truth within
That you yourself are the only one at fault.

Numbing of the senses

Numbing of the senses
My weakness
At the scent of this sweet drink.
A beautiful array of alcohol and ginger schnapps;
A divine drink
My ambrosia.
A lullaby within my veins
That lulls my mind to a halt
Slowing down each thought
And relishing this peaceful moment
A sleepy haze that casts gently
Over my nodding head
My gentle smile that caresses my lips.
And I can almost grasp the concept
Of self-induced peace
That although my liver is screaming against
My mind relishes
And takes comfort within.

I love you

I love you
I love you
I love you.
I have not even met you
But the very thought of you
Is an addiction I will never let loose.
Your very being excites me
Placing me in a world where all I know is pleasure;
Your beautiful face
Which I have not yet seen
Brightens the worst of my days.
And a little voice in my head
That tells me everything will be alright
That unconditional love is a possibility
And that you are the apple of my eye.
I long for the day when I can finally hold you in my arms
When I can finally gaze lovingly into your eyes
And know that you need me to survive.
I cannot wait for you to be a constant in my life
For your existence means the world to me
And will prove I have something to live and die for.
Everyday I pray for that moment
When your lips part and gently whisper
"I love you Mommy."

Staring at the mirror

Staring at the mirror
A face that everyone knows
A career to be desired
But a life never to be envied.
Her very waking hours
Are a part of her job;
Keep her face smiling
Keep her turmoils buried
And strut on the heels
As if she owned the world.
One wrong impression
And an image is destroyed
Devoured by the press
Digging a deeper hole.
A lack of privacy
Everything naked and bare
Every past mistake dug up
And set for display.
A dream that brought temporary delight
And enough dough
To never have to knead the work force again.
But having the designer bags
The racy cars
Magnificent mansions
And all the fame and glory
Could never replace
What a normal person takes for granted;
A private life
No worries for tiny mistakes
And being able to take a breather.
So she takes a look in the mirror once again
And sees a girl reaching out for help
But no one to turn to
Having to hide behind that beautiful smile
That made her a star.

Stop fooling yourself

Stop fooling yourself
Look in the mirror
Take a stand
Take a pause
And look around.
What do you see
A facade that no one cares
And trying to prove
That you are somebody
That nobody cares.

All I simply wanted

All I simply wanted
Was to hold you in my arms
And to keep a piece of your heart
Where I needed it the most.
Reaching out into darkness
Wondering when you would grasp
My inviting hand
That so desperately longs for you.
A single tear that trails
Seeing an empty world in the darkness
And I look at my sneakers
Clench my fists
And force myself not to scream.
I wanted you so badly
I wanted so badly to push away
Our platonic relationship
And allow a romance to blossom.
But it had never began
It was never meant to be.

Staring at this open book before me

Staring at this open book before me
Diagrams and words combine
To blur in my unfocused vision.
A million thoughts run a marathon through my head
And not a single one of them centered
On what desperately deserves my attention.
Half of my being is in a panic state
No calming of nerves;
The other half is cool and suave
Having not a single care in the world
Having nothing to worry about.
Final exams, quizzes, tests
Schoolwork that beckons me
Though I resist with every fiber in my being;
That is my downfall, this procrastination
Relishing in neither satisfaction
Nor sorrow.
Any diversion from the task at hand
I will gladly accept
Although in the end
I shall regret
Everything that I should have done
That never got complete--
Or at least not until the last minute.
Put my head on the desk
Close my eyes
And simply sigh.

A blur of red light

A blur of red light
Flooding the scene before me
Stuck in a sea of cars
In this idea called traffic.
Impatiently tapping the steering wheel
Music cranked up
Singing along
Although my focus is on getting home.
I poke my head out the window
Seeing the never ending lanes
Packed like sardines
One next to another.
An exasperated sigh
Glancing at the clock
Ten past eight
And in the same god-forbidden spot
That I was in five minutes earlier.
And then alas!
A slow yet undeniable
Inch by inch we start to tread
These cars around me and I.
A hope that I will reach my destination
That I will not be stuck here
Where horns honk in petty anger.
Thank you, thank you
I see my exit.

It is late at night

It is late at night
And I cannot sleep.
Your face lingers in my peripheral vision
No matter how much I try to banish you into the darkness.
Tormenting me over and over again
Taunting me and luring me into your arms
I cannot forget your face
I cannot erase your voice.
I can only simply scream and weep in frustration
Knowing that no matter how much I wish to have you here
You are not mine;
You never were and you never will be.
I simply have to watch you from afar
Despite how close you will be
Unbearable proximity
Driving me absolutely insane.