wouldn't tell;

i held you in my dreams
hugging you so tightly
i was afraid i'd break your bones
of your already fragile frame.

what had happened to you
wasted away, skin and bones
with haunting, hollow eyes
devoid of any spark of hope.

you wouldn't tell me.

i asked you if you wanted to talk
you flashed me a forced smile
commenting in the negative.
i asked you if you wanted help
and got the same response.

but you were tormented
i could see it in the lines on your face
the way you trembled in my arms
unless it was just from exhaustion

you wouldn't tell me.

i felt the lack of hope reflected in your eyes
and wanted so desperately to take away your pain
who or what caused your desolate state

you wouldn't tell me.

either to protect yourself from suppressed memories
or to spare me the horrors of your tribulations
you wouldn't tell me.

you wouldn't whisper a single word.

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