death, is a scary journey;

death, is a scary journey
however inevitable it may be
the concept of after
sometimes difficult to fathom
and differs for each individual.

you couldn't escape death's waiting embrace
as you struggled to survive
your body's basic instincts in overdrive.

but when you finally
and hopefully willingly
let go of your grasp to life
and sink into death's chest
remember everything you have ever loved
for it will be you beacon to the other side
whatever and wherever that may be.

the love of your family and friends
will create the pathway to your destination.
all your hopes and dreams of the life left behind
will be your shining stars in the black night.

and when you reach the end
of the journey from life to death
here your soul may rest
peacefully and contently
until you can be reunited
with everyone you let into your life
and those who let you into theirs.

guilt-ridden road;

your memory serves as a good trip
down a guilt-ridden road
even though i know it is not my fault
it cannot be.

a whisper of a memory
brings upon a powerful clash
i feel like i am being pulled apart
several directions
my heart cannot take it.

when i think about you
i want to slap myself
and i scream inside
why do i spare you a single thought?
what have you done for me
after all these years?


simple as that.


and still, i cannot help it
i wonder and ponder
i try to picture how it might and could have been
but it is futile.

and i have to stop living in the past
the present fantasy
and the future that could never be.

this is not the first time
nor the very last.
but moving forward is the only way
that i can ever be free.

open your eyes;

open up your eyes
you've kept them closed
long enough.

the years that you wished to forget
the pain, the horror
the pure evil that stained your world.

it is no more
he is dead
and his minions are locked away

it's okay now
the world has slowly righten itself
it is safe as it will ever be.

so open your eyes
it's time to wake up
and live once more.

why must you haunt me so;

why must you haunt me so?
you're all around me
and i cannot seem to escape
that beautiful smile of yours
and twinkle in your eyes.

is this my punishment?
my damnation and hell?


hearing songs
they bring out the best
and worst in memories.

a lost relative
stolen love
and happy days.
an array of emotions
overcomes with every note.

the years gone by
remembered by a whisper
a song that comes on the radio
or ipod player
set on shuffle.

all the hopes
all the regrets
all the tears
and all the smiles
is there any regret?

people cannot live in the past
mulling over things that once were
or might have been.

it's time to look toward the future.